If No Mistake You Have Made

Yoga with quote text on image.

If no mistake you have made, losing you are. A different game you should play.

– Master Yoda

Everyone is always very enthusiastic when we talk about the idea that innovation IS experimentation and some experiments fail, that that is the process.
Everyone is similarly enthusiastic about the idea that failing fast and pivoting is often the fastest way to iterate to great products and solutions.
Likewise, with the idea that to LEARN at a personal, team or product level we must be willing to be wrong, to make mistakes, and that doing only things we know will work teaches us nothing.
But so few of us do it. Outside the classroom, everyone’s ingrained, habitual behaviour is to be risk-averse. So many aren’t even willing to share an idea in a meeting without gaining consensus first.

Things to ponder… How can we bridge the gap between what we know about learning, experimenting and iterating and how we behave in our corporate lives? What works in your teams?



