Category: freed

  • I eat hills for breakfast

    Some people who are much more experienced than me said it was the hardest course they’d ever run. I believe it. It was hard. I ran 17km of the full 42km course, it took me 4 hours and 20 minutes. It was hard. I’m actually not convinced that it was only 17km. The ipod (which…

  • Shanghai Half Marathon

    Apologies for blog lag but it’s been a busy few days, yada yada. Two hours, four minutes and some seconds. I don’t have a terribly accurate time as the official time (two hours 9 mins) is way out. We got stuck in the queue for the loos at the start (more loos please) and ended…

  • A Music Post

    A music post for a change as I’m sufficiently excited about this stuff to want to share. Radio Three Sixty – Music For Strange Moments is a fantastic podcast that comes out every other week (used to be weekly, boo-hiss). It is an eclectic mix of chilled stuff from across a bunch genres and is…

  • Yet More Half Marathon

    Up at 05:00 more or less, ready and off to M’s who was generously doing a full English breakfast and then off to the stadium. We milled about nervously for a bit and did some stretches. DC arrived more than warmed up a little after 08:00 having cycled all the way across Hangzhou. Our support…

  • Half Marathon Photos

    Still planning on writing something about the half marathon but for now you’ll have to make do with photos (thanks M). Hangzhou Half Marathon 2006 Set

  • Hangzhou Half Marathon 2006

    The above is what was recorded by my ipod (using the nike+ thing) for today’s Hangzhou Half Marathon. Official time was 02:08:42, just achieving my target of under 2 hours 10 mins. The event was superb (my first) and represents the culmination of 3 months of (somewhat sporadic) preparation. Yay me! Yay M and DC,…