Category: freed

  • China 2010: Zhongdian

    Click here to see the full set of photos on Flickr. Finally, we went Zhongdian (now, somewhat unfortunately, renamed to Shangri-la). Ascending (it’s at 3300m) to Zhongdian felt like entering a different place – everything changed, the landscape, the people, the buildings, the farming practices. I’ve not been to Tibet but I imagine that Zhongdian…

  • China 2010: Tiger Leaping Gorge

    Click here to see the full set of photos on Flickr. Tiger Leaping Gorge was one of the real highlights of the trip for me. We hiked from Qiaotou (1800m) to the highest point of the trail at (2650m) and on to a guest house where we overnighted before decending back to the road and…

  • China 2010: Lijiang

    Click here to see the full set of photos on Flickr. Lijiang was great. I expected touristy which probably helpded, it is FULL of domestic tourists but that somehow didn’t detract from the charm of the place. I really enjoyed it for it was. We took a bike ride out to a nearby village Shuhe…

  • China 2010: Guangxi Province

    Click here to see the full set of photos on Flickr. So, China. Well, I guess after my pre-China post I owe you an update on what it was actually like going back. So first things first, we spent the first two weeks out west in Guangxi and Yunnan provinces. I’d not been anywhere near…

  • My Race Kit (local, fine weather run)

    I’ve been meaning to post this since I took this picture on the day of the Prague Full Marathon in May. Now is a good time to come back to it as me, JS and MG prepare to set off to Slovakia to run the Liptovsky Maraton (or in my case half) in Liptovsky Mikulas.…

  • Barefoot(ish) Running

    So I am learning to run barefoot in Vibram Fivefinger shoes… The simplicity, indeed the packability of the Fivefingers appealed to me from the outset and, they are unashamedly cool. But I’ve had injuries from running in bad shoes. I know that footwear is not something to be taken lightly. So, I did some reading. Many,…

  • Prague Grand Prix 10k

    An exploration of one’s background fitness level, it turned out to be. So I’m not wildly excited by my time of 56:06, it’s certainly not the slowest I’ve ever run 10k, it’s also a long, long way from the fastest. The positive is that I didn’t train at all and in fact have probably been…

  • Prague Full 2010

    I have to be honest, it had bothered me. With all the running I’ve done in the last four years, all the events I’ve run, the only full marathon I’d run was the Great Wall Marathon. Now the Great Wall Marathon is 42k, it’s a pretty hard way to cover 42k, actually but it’s not,…

  • Prague Half 2010

    So with everything else going on during 2009 the only event I ran was Velka Kunraticka which was a very pleasant 3.1k over hills and through a couple of streams here in Prague. 2010, then, needed from the begining to have some good events in it. The Prague Half was a great start in this…

  • Velká Kunratická

      Well, it’s not been a great year for running events for me. Changing cities, countries and indeed continents coupled with a few calendar clashes meant that I didn’t get to the events that I hoped to and there were too few of them. Fortunately it won’t be a completely event free year as I…