Category: freed
Right, time to take over the world!
Suppin’ beers and grillin’ sausage in Slovakia.
We Run Prague 10k
Ten kilometer races are funny things aren’t they? I guess maybe a lot of people get into running with 5 and 10k races but that’s not the route I came. My first race as an adult was the Hangzhou half marathon. In actual fact before this weekend I’d only run two competitive (ish) 10ks. The first…
100% all natural farmer’s market mutant egg.
Outdoor climbing in the heat at Gutovka last night.
A (bread making) error has occurred. Off out for lunch then.
Built-in navigational aid (in case you can’t find your way back to the bottle).
Hotel Kokořín
You reach a certain point in any wedding…
Enormous Slovak Melons